Baggy Trousers UK

Baggy Trousers UK

Every year, over 2400 men in the UK are diagnosed with testicular cancer. The good news is that over 98% of them are cured. Robert Roughley, a Director of Churngold and a trustee of Baggy Trousers UK, is running 2400km in 2024 to raise awareness around Testicular Cancer and Mental Health.

Let's join Robert in his mission to raise awareness and support those impacted by Testicular Cancer & struggled with their Mental Health. Can you spare an hour of your day to focus on your mental & physical health?

Robert's current total is 920km and he is on target.

The latest run Robert participated in was the Chester Half Marathon on Sunday 19 May, it was very hot but an enjoyable event.

All money raised goes directly to Baggy Trousers UK to allow us to continue to support and help people impacted by Testicular Cancer.

You can donate to my JustGiving page by clicking here


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