Slavery and human trafficking remains a hidden blight on our global society. We all have a
responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain.
Staff are expected to report concerns and management are expected to act upon them.
We are a construction company, specialising in groundworks and earthworks. We operate primarily
around Bristol, South Wales, and the Midlands. Our head office is in Bristol. Churngold Construction
Holdings Limited is the parent company of a wholly owned subsidiary, Churngold Construction
Limited. All contracts are within the UK. The group has an annual turnover usually around £30m, but
can be above £36m in certain years.
Our supply chain consists of two main areas, labour in the form of our own employees or external
subcontractors, and construction materials, such as concrete, steel, aggregates, drainage etc. We
also hire or buy plant and equipment.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in
any part of our business. Our policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in
all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to
ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk -
· All sites are under close supervision by senior staff;
· Where possible we build long standing relationships with local suppliers and make clear our
expectations of business behaviour;
· With regards to national or international supply chains, our point of contact is usually with a
UK company or branch and we expect these entities to have suitable anti-slavery and human
trafficking policies and processes. It is not practical for us (and every other participant in the
chain) to have a direct relationship with all links in the chain, ultimately to the raw material
producer (e.g. Iron ore mining in the case of steel).
· We have in place systems to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of
whistle blowers.
We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking. We expect all those in our supply
chain to comply with our values.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our
supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant members of staff. All Directors have
been briefed on the subject.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and
constitutes our group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.
Andrew Brown
Managing Director
Churngold Construction Limited