VSSP Ashchurch

January 2023 to December 2026

Project Overview

Client: Skanska

Project Name: Vehicle Storage Support Programme

Location: Ashchurch

Sector: Defence

Project Value: £50M

Engineer/Architect: AECOM/Scott Brown Rigg

Project Period: January 2023 to December 2026

The VSSP is a two-phase programme that will deliver modern, sustainable, and effective storage and maintenance solutions for the British Army’s vehicle and equipment fleet.

VSSP site will provide Controlled Humidity Environment (CHE) storage for 4100 vehicles. This includes demolition of 58 buildings, construction of 13 new buildings, plus renewal of site-wide infrastructure.

As well as providing CHE storage for military vehicles, VSSP will also provide dedicated inspection and maintenance spaces. All buildings will adhere to the latest sustainability standards and reaching DREEAM (Defence Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) Excellent is the sustainability target for the programme.


Foundations & Stabilisation: Stabilisation strategies to mitigate sulfate-induced soil expansion. RC pad, pile cap & mass pour foundations.

Drainage: 8,500lm of new sitewide foul & surface water drainage system connecting to the existing site wide infrastructure. Large volume slot channel drainage, foul water pumping station & rising main.

Internal Floor Slabs: 120,000m2 275mm-225mm thick RC ground floor to FM3 tolerance with a Sika Metal-Top smooth finish.

External Floor Slabs: 60,000m2 of new hardscape, 175mm thick CBGM-R and 200mm thick PQC brush finish in accordance with the Defence infrastructure specification. 

Infrastructure: 20,000lm trenched multi-duct infrastructure system, telecommunications, LV, HV & sprinkler main.


  • 3,000+ known & unknown services working around / crossed.

  • High water table.

  • Sulfate & sulfide bearing strata (blue clay)


Bristol University