Recent email to all staff from Andrew Brown on Service Crossings vs. Strikes
Having reviewed the stats, I am able to confirm that in 2023, whilst we did hit 16 services, we successfully crossed 2976 without incident or injury. So when you look at it like that is an amazing achievement and demonstrates that when people follow our Safe Dig procedures, use their expert knowledge and training, it really does work and ensures you stay safe. Anyway, I would like to congratulate all those who have contributed to this amazing statistic. That is 99.46% of all the services we needed to cross or work alongside, we did without incident, so well done and thanks again for all your hard work to achieve such an amazing statistic.
We all know that the general state of the services in the ground is not good, and that the info we have to rely on is only a guide, but continuing to work in line with the Safe Dig procedures, stopping work when you are when unsure or when a colleague or agency workers is not following the Safe Dig procedures is without doubt the only way to work around the number of services we do.
Our clients are equally thankful for this hard work and whilst they rightly want to know the reason for any strikes, they regularly commend us for the great job you do.
So lets see if we can do even better in 2024. If you want any further info please don’t hesitate to give me a call.