Safety Award Kier Channings Wood

Safety Award Kier Channings Wood

Noel Murphy of Kier Construction Ltd issued the following safety award for the Channings Wood project:

We have decided to issue this month's safety green card award to Churngold employee Harry Islam.

Harry's positive attitude to safety and positive engagement is a shining example of what we like to see. I had a couple of conversations with him yesterday about the challenges around accessing the deep excavation for the attenuation and asked if he could arrange the best possible solution to make it practical but most importantly to make it safe.

He responded very positively and just got on with the task and in short time had fitted the access correctly without question or fuss.

In addition to this Churngold are top of our sub contactor leader board. Churngold have shown a very positive attitude to works on site.

Well Done Harry and Churngold.

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